Cameron is a consultant specializing in AWS Cloud Architecture, Infrastructure as Code, Serverless Technologies, and DevOps Automation. With a diverse background spanning 30 years across various industries, he offers a unique perspective in today's rapidly evolving technology landscape. He sporadically emits tweets on Twitter/X at @cameronc.
Node Project Configuration Management at Scale
Starter templates have been popular for a while now. Commands like npx create-next-app@latest and `npm create vue@latest` provide a great starting point. However, much like a new car driving off the dealer’s lot, these projects begin to incur technical debt almost immediately. What if there were a way to keep those project configurations up to date and synchronized across all your projects? There is! In this session, we'll explore Projen, an open-source tool that automatically maintains configurations for elements like Prettier, ESLint, .npmignore, and even CI/CD pipeline setups for GitHub, GitLab, and CircleCI. We'll review some ready-to-use templates for simple NPM packages, TypeScript projects, and monorepos. Then, we’ll discuss how to customize these templates and share configurations across all your projects to keep them synchronized. By the way, Projen can manage Java and Python projects too!
CONNECT.TECH is the largest multi-framework front-end conference in the USA.
A premium Web/HTML/CSS, Mobile, and Design conference at a community conference price!
Looking to attend an React conference, Angular conference, Vue.js conference, JavaScript conference, Node conference, Mobile conference or UX/Design conference this year? Why not go to one that combines all of these?
2024 Workshops
Full day Training
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2024 All Sessions
CONNECT.TECH 2024 Sessions
- May 1
2024 Kickoff
Call for Papers, Early Bird tickets sales (first 100 only, then prices +$100), sponsor sales, scholarship program all open
- June 1
CFP Close
CFP Closes
- July 1
Speakers Announced!
Speakers announced, regular ticket sales
- September 11
Late ticket sales
Late ticket sales, order now to get a swanky badge and tshirt
- November 18
Workshop day!
Connect.Tech 2024 starts with workshop day
- November 19
The big show!
Connect.Tech 2024 begins!